Open Championship Contest. Time to Pick the Winner and Total Birdies Tie-Breaker for British Open
BirdieBall Open Contest. The 146th Open Royal Birkdale 16th - 23rdJuly 2017
Usually this is a last minute deal. Not this year, we getting going early! Winner receives a BirdieBall 4' x 14' putting green mat (or smaller if needed) with six cups and flags and u-bumpers, a $200+ value.
This year we are going to get going with a week and a half to spare. However, don't think about it too long! First in with the correct number of total birdies for the tournament wins.
So, pick the winner, and total birdies simple as that.
However!!! You must include the following hashtag: #birdieballopencontest
Without that hashtag I will not be able to find your pick and therefore you will not be eligible for the contest. Simple as that. Usually I send an email back reminding people who forget this detail. Most likely will not be doing that this year.
Deadline!! July 20th before the first tee time at Royal Birkdale
A follow and re-tweets are appreciated.
So you would say: Jordan Spieth, 18 birdies #birdieballopencontest I like Jordan. Mostly because he has been seen using our BirdieBall Putting Mat.
What if nobody gets it right? We will be giving one of our putting mats away. If someone gets the winner and misses the birdies. The closest number of birdies without going over the number of birdies wins. If no one gets the winner, it will be second place or third place and so on. Also with the tie-break of number of birdies without going over.
Here is the size BirdieBall Putting Mat you will win! This is a double depth, yours will be our Classic! Thanks, for playing!